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Welcome to the BRain-Inspired Computing and Communications Lab (BRICC Lab)

BRICC lab works at the forefront of Neuromorphic Computing and Wireless Communication, with a focus on other related research domains too. It is jointly led by Prof. Lingjia Liu and Prof. Yang (Cindy) Yi. Click below to learn more!


Faculty Introduction

Following two faculties of ECE@VT lead the BRICC lab:
Dr Lingjia Liu Picture

Lingjia Liu, ECE professor at Virginia Tech's Innovation Campus, directs Wireless@Virginia Tech, focusing on 5G/6G networks, Machine Learning in Wireless Tech, Open RAN, and Dynamic Spectrum Sharing.

Dr Yang Yi Picture

Yang (Cindy) Yi, ECE professor at Virginia Tech's Innovation Campus, directs the Multifunctional Integrated Circuits and Systems Lab, focusing on Integrated Circuits, Neuromorphic Computing, & Wireless Applications.

Our Sponsors



07/2024: Paving the way for the next generation of wireless technology

01/2023: Lingjia Liu receives National Science Foundation grant to improve 6G access for all

11/2022: Lingjia Liu has been elected to the NSC Executive Committee

03/2022: New IARPA project through the Securing Compartmented Information with Smart Radio Systems (SCISRS) program (PI: Lingjia Liu)

08/2021: New NSF project (ECCS-2128594) on Intelligent Dynamic Spectrum Access for Spectrum through Reinforcement Learning for Spectrum Coexistence (PI: Lingjia Liu; Co-PI: Yang Yi).